ADVERTS VI çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¢>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ³ ISCH CREW SWAP CONTACT ² - PART OF THE ART ! - RAPPER THE LEADER OF ISCH CREW ¹ KRISZTIAN TANOS 1204 BUDAPEST KOSSUTH LAJOS U.36 HUNGARY ³ > GFX-SWAP-FRIEND < SWAPZ WITH EVERBODY ! ¢ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ½__ __ ½¦ Y \_ ¾We need all kinds of members! ½| | ¦ ¦ ¾If you think you are good ½¦ | | | ¾enough then send samples of ½| ! ¦ ¦ ¾your work to... ½l__/|_j ½_______ ½¦ || ¦ ³MESSERSCHMITT/S!P [WHQ] ½l_jl__j ³P.O.BOX 48 ½_______ ³H-4015 DEBRECEN ½¦ ¦ ³HUNGARY ½l__ | | ½e!¦ | ¦ ½ l___j ¾ALSO FOR -ELITE- SWAPPING!!!! ¾BUT, NO DISK - NO! ANSWER!!!! ²<===================================> ¶²AdDeR oF X-TrAdE SeEkS FoR CoNtAcTs So WrItE To: ¹S.HaNsSoN MiDsOmMaRv.35 976 31 LuLeA SwEdEn ³GrEeTiNgS To: ¢Astro Of Movement Biscrok Of Supplex D-Lite Of Chaos a.d Damion Of Platin Equalizer Of Chrome Exthalion Of Addonic Hiro Of Liquid Mr.King Of Analog Rokdazone Of Destiny Thrasher Of Sanity ¼ I'm back ! ³ HOLLAND 3430 JC NIEUWEGEIN P.O.BOX 7143 ² RADAVI/EFFECT ¶² +-------------------------------+ | | | ³THE TRENDY DEALER of RAM-JAM² | | | +-------------------------------+ | | |¹ Latest, hottest and fastest?² | |¹ Newest Italian warez? ² | |¹ The last issue of THE CHARTS?² | |¹ RAM JAM quality? ² | | | +-------------------------------+ | | |¼ EUGENIO GORI ¹ | |¼ Via P.della Valle 12/5¹ | |¼ 50127 Firenze ¹ | |¼ Italy ¹ | | | +-------------------------------+ ³ A B N O R M A L I A ¹ The diskmag for the organic thinking masses is looking for ²SPREADERS¹. Whatever your group, whoever you are, feel free to communicate to the main editor of Abnormalia your address. You'll be sent the next issue of ³ ABNORMALIA¹ 15 days before the releasing date with the "only" duty to spread it as much of possible. You'll have credits, honours and even the free Abnormalia disk for that! ;-> Send your address to Macno: ½ Alessandro Franceschi Via Pacinotti 24 20059 Vimercate (MI) Italy ¶¼+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+ :+² Surprise! Productions¼ :: +: _______ ________________ +: :+_/::'. \_||::'|||::' ___ \ :+ +:|:' |____j|¦' |||' l__) )+: :+l_____ ||l____j|¦ ____/ :+ +:| ! ¦|______|: | +: :+l _______jl __jl ___j :+ +: \/ \/ \/e!/eqx +: :+ IS NOT DEAD !!! :+ :+¹We need members of all kinds!¼:+ +:¹Send samples of your work to:¼+: :+ :+ +:³ MESSERSCHMITT/S!P [WHQ] ¼ +: :+¹ P.O.BOX 48 ¼ :+ +:¹ H-4015 DEBRECEN ¼ +: :+¹ HUNGARY ¼ :+ +:¹ - WRITE TODAY! - ¼ +: :+² ALSO FOR -ELITE- SWAPPING¼ :+ +:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+::+:+: ¢=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ²sUppOrT dA oNe n oNlY mAg tHaT CoUnTs ¢=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ³ P R O P A G A N D A ¹ Kaskog.18nb 16476 Kista Sweden ¼ PrOpAgAnDa - wE mAke tHe tRuTh ! ½ aDdYs iN 80x20 aNd 38x20 ¢=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ²sUppOrT dA oNe n oNlY mAg tHaT CoUnTs ¢=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ¶³ _ _ _______ / \ _ / \ _ (____ \ / // \ \ \ / \ _ \__/ / // /_ \ \( / / \ / // // \ \ \\/ / / (__/(__/(__/ \__) (__/ ² - Da Movement - ¹For Kool EliTe traDing, oR juSt soMe own ProdUctioNs Swapping ¼ Bross / MOVEMENT ¹ Thomas LE KIM 98 Rue Camille Desmoulins 02100 SAINT-QUENTIN FRANCE ² ! Only Legal ! ¼ ________ /\/\ / \ \ / \/ _ \ | \ / \/ \ \ / / ~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~ ____ __ __________ / __/ / |__/ | / __/ / _]_/ | \ \__ \ \ \_____/_| / ___/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/__/[H] ²fast, good, friendship swapping ³ Kopara/MAD ELKS of MST ¹ Os. Pod Lipami 1/24 61-628 PoznaM POLAND ² !!!DON`T WORRY BE ELK!!! ¶ ¹ Have you ever thought of commiting suicide because you missed one of the ² __ __ __ __ / \ / \ / \ / \ | | | | |__/ \__ | | | | | \ \__/ \__/ | \___/ ¹ glorious productions ? Then give a new sense to your life by contacting Bross / Oops / Movement ³Thomas Le Kim - 98 Rue Desmoulins 02100 SAINT QUENTIN - FRANCE ½ A B N O R M A L I A ¹ The Diskmag For Unlucky Writers Has an own Concilium were stories from different authors and SAME title are gathered. ²Contribute to the Concilium with your own story called: ³ THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER ¹ Send your verbal efforts to: ² Macno/Abnormalia ¹ Alessandro Franceschi Via Pacinotti 24 20059 Vimercate (MI) Italy ³ - NO SCENE ARTICLES - ¶ ¢ _LIKE A VIRGIN_ ½ __ ________ __ ____________ /_ \/_ /_ _ \/_ \/_ / __/ __/ / / / / / / / / / / / / __/__ / /___/_/_/\/\/\/\__/\/\/\__/\__/ ³ FOR PURE KAKKA TRADING_ ¢ CASKET / DAMONES___ _ ¹ TATU TIALA TUOMAANKUJA 4 69950 PERHO CITY FINLAND__ ¼HI! Here`s ²Cyclon/Eskimos¼. I want to invite you for a nice swapping time. I don`t care about 2-week delays. Otherwise I could buy a modem. I don`t care about the stuff. (maybe 30 %) But don`t send demomaker intros or 1 year old things ok? ½ PoBox 1115 12631 Berlin Germany +49 (0)30 5410980 ¼smileys to: Mad Elks, X-Trade, Vision, Mystic, RamJam, TFF, Infect, Stellar, Alcatraz, Bronx, Investation, Cadaver, Alchemy, Samba!, VD/FLT, Recall, Midway, Analog, M12, Effect, Legend, Delight, Zenith, Obscene, Genetic.... ¶³OOOoo.o........ ._________ .______ . ._______ . __________. . ............. OOoo.o... . . /\________\ /\_____\ /\______\ /\_________\ ....... Ooo.o.... / / ///o \ /o__ \ \/o \/ /o ___ \\\ \ \ ....o. oo.o..... \ \ \\\__ ___// / /\ \ \_ _/ / /_ \\___/// / / ....... o.o............ / / / / / /_/ / / /\ / \/o \_\ ..............o..o .o............ / / / / / \_\/ _/ / / / \__ \\\\ ...............o. o...........___/ / / / / __ \__/ / /______/\ \ ..........o..o.o ..... /\__\/ \/ / / /\\ /__\/ \______\/ //////...........o.oo ... / / /\/o /\/o / \/o //o . . .o. . . / ..........o..o.oOO .... \\\\\\ \__ ____/ \_ / \ / \____ _________ ___//// ............o.oOOO V V V V V ¼ IRIS WHQ IRIS WHQ ½ PO BOX 2570 ULLANDHAUG, BP 5, _ N-4004 STAVANGER F-95690 NESLES LA VALLEE NORWAY FRANCE ² Contact The Two IRIS WHQ`s For Joining And Swapping!!!